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李玲娟,王璞 (中国科学院大学 公共政策与管理学院北京 100049) 
中文关键词:特殊标志  法律属性  美国模式  立法完善
Legal Protection of “Special Signs” in the United States and its Reference
Abstract:Special signs is the general term for the signs used in certain public welfare activities in Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Special Signs. At present, there is no corresponding clause in Trademark Law of the People’s Republic of China to give special protection of it. The United States provides comprehensive legal protection of such signs:article 1 of the Trademark Act gives such signs that the general protection of avoidance of trademark registration, and special laws of different fields provides specific protection of them. In view of the actual needs for the legal protection of special signs in my country, it is necessary to clarify the legal attributes of special signs, and to explore relevant regulations in the United States from the theoretical and institutional levels, in order to provide appropriate reference for the improvement of my country’s legislation.
keywords:special signs  legal attributes  American model  legislative perfection
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