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吴果中,董破冰 (湖南师范大学 新闻与传播学院湖南 长沙 410081) 
中文关键词:监控录像短视频  事件性  事件现象学  媒介事件  媒介物质性
Surveillance-Footage-Short-Videos as “Eventness Media”: From the Perspective of Event Phenomenology
Abstract:As a new medium form that combines video surveillance technology with short videos, surveillance-footage-short-videos cannot be simply classified as a surveillance medium. From the perspective of event phenomenology represented by Heidegger and Marion, integrating the technology/media intermediary theory of Ihde and Krmer, surveillance-footage-short-videos should be seen as an “eventness media” that presents events in a primitive and intuitive way. From the perspective of media ontology, surveillance-footage-short-videos can be defined as an “event media” formed by the ternary relationship structure of “event-media-subject”, which relies on the “full space-time” deploying and short video’s generation channels to achieve the reception and generation of events, providing “transcendental possibility” for being-in-the-world of subjects. As “media event”, surveillance-footage-short-videos is also a realistic construction device, using material events as intermediaries to reproduce the “common-sense world”, opening up the reality and openness of social reality construction.
keywords:surveillance-footage-short-videos  eventness  event phenomenology  media event  media materiality
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