引用本文:冯刚 ,李亚美.新时代高校思政课公众形象塑造的基本条件探究[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2024,(5):1-8
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冯刚 ,李亚美 (北京师范大学 马克思主义学院北京 100875) 
中文摘要:新时代高校思政课公众形象的塑造应准确把握其基本条件, 从理论内涵、价值意蕴、内在逻辑上对基本条件进行学理释义,并在此基础上,梳理其内部条件和外部条件的构成要素。在内部条件中,高水平的课程质量是塑造高校思政课内容形象的条件,高素质的教师队伍是塑造教师形象的条件,科学的话语体系是塑造话语形象的条件,丰富的教学模式是塑造实践形象的条件;在外部条件中,先进的信息管理技术是形象维护的前提条件,权威的全媒体传播矩阵是形象传播的关键条件,科学的评价监管体系是形象管理的重要条件。
中文关键词:高校思政课;公众形象塑造  新时代
A Preliminary Study on the Basic Conditions of Shaping Public Images in Ideological and Political Courses at Colleges and Universities in the New Era
Abstract:The public image of ideological and political courses at colleges and universities in the new era should be accurately understood. The theoretical connotation, value implication, and inherent logic of these basic conditions should be interpreted academically.Based on this interpretation, the constituent elements of their internal and external conditions should be sorted out. Specifically, among the internal conditions, teaching quality serves as a condition for shaping the content image of ideological and political education courses at colleges and universities ; high-quality teacher qualifications are conditions for shaping the image of teachers; a scientific discourse system is a condition for shaping the image of discourse; and rich teaching modes are conditions for shaping the image of practice. Among the external conditions, advanced information management technology is a prerequisite for image maintenance; an authoritative all-media communication matrix is a key condition for image dissemination; and a scientific evaluation and supervision system is an important condition for image management.
keywords:ideological and political course at colleges and universities  public image shaping  New Era
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