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曾亦 (同济大学 哲学系上海 200092) 
中文关键词:《春秋》  章太炎  杜预  康有为  刘逢禄
Back to Du Yu —on Zhang Taiyan’s Study of Chun Qiu from the Perspective of the Two Confucian Schools of the Late Qing Dynasty
Abstract:Since the middle of the Qing Dynasty, with the revival of Changzhou School, the dispute between modern and ancient classics has once again become the focus of academic and intellectual fields. With his interpretation of Zuo Zhuan, Zhang Taiyan comprehensively criticized Gongyang Zhuan, which Kang Youwei and the royalists relied on. Moreover, Zhang Taiyan also went back to Changzhou academic represented by Liu Fenglu, and even disparaged Confucius who was revered by the scholars of the modern classics. Through this criticism, Zhang Taiyan’s study of Zuo Zhuan finally claimed to return to Du Yu, thus deviating from the mainstream tendency of refuting Du Yu since the early Qing Dynasty. It is not difficult to find that Zhang Taiyan’s study of Chun Qiu played out the thoughts in Zuo Zhuan by criticizing Kang Youwei’s interpretation of Gongyang Zhuan on the surface, but in fact was full of sectarianism based on party consciousness.
keywords:Chun Qiu  Zhang Taiyan  Du Yu  Kang Youwei  Liu Fenglu
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