引用本文:杜保瑞 ,王雯雯.爻辞中心的《周易》创造精神与著作体例解读[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2024,(5):26-35
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杜保瑞 ,王雯雯 (上海交通大学 人文学院 上海 200240) 
中文关键词:爻辞  卦辞  《彖传》  《大象传》  《周易》
Interpretations of the Creative Spirit and Writing Style of the Book of Changes in the Center of Yao Ci
Abstract:The interpretation of the scriptures in the Book of Changes should mainly focus on the line statements, which are the political thoughts and life wisdom of King Wen of Zhou and his group, and are actually the textual objects of Confucius’ study of the Book of Changes. The formation of the Book of Changes began with the acquisition of hexagram names. It does not have a fixed principle, but there are several ideas for its formation. Among them, there are unique and meaningful aspects, such as the construction of hexagram names for single yin and five yang, and single yang and five yin. These twelve hexagrams demonstrate the hierarchical and role thinking of the six line and line words. The various chapters in the Book of Changes, which are directly related to the interpretation of line and verse, should belong to the two chapters of “Xiaoxiang Zhuan” and “Wenyan Zhuan”, as well as the upper and lower chapters of “Xici Zhuan”, which explain Confucius’ interpretation of scriptures. To decipher the Book of Changes, the first step is to speculate on the origin of the names of hexagrams, followed by exploring the lines and phrases. Above this, one can uncover the essence of hexagrams and phrases. Both “Tuan Zhuan” and “Daxiang Zhuan” can only be regarded as creations of later scholars, and are not closely related to the interpretation of the meaning of the lines. However, the “Xugua Zhuan” and “Daxiang Zhuan” are not closely related to the origin of hexagram names, and there is no need to analyze hexagram names based on them. These are both the interpretations of Confucian philosophy.
keywords:Yao Ci  hexagram  “Tuan Zhuan”  “Daxiang Zhuan”  The Book of Changes
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