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孙思旺 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:孔子  子路  孺悲  《士丧礼》
On the Funeral of Zilu and the Writing of Shi Sangli
Abstract:The funeral of a man named “You” or “Xuyou” mentioned in “Liji” is very important for tracing the formation of the text of “Shi Sangli” and even “Yili”. Since Lin Bao of the Tang Dynasty, “Xuyou” has been interpreted as a person's name, which is not credible. In fact, “Xu” is the “Xu” of “Xuli”, and “you” is the “you” of “Zhongyou”. Zhongyou, also known as Zilu, died in the civil strife in Wei. Duke Ai of Lu mourned Zilu‘s death, so he sent a man named Rubei to Confucius to study the funeral of the Shi class. Zilu died in the winter of the fifteenth year of Duke Ai of Lu, a few months before the death of Confucius. It should have taken a long time from Rubei's completion of learning to writing the learning content into a book. Therefore, Shi Sangli was obviously written after Confucius' death. Confucius died, and his 70 most famous students also died. Later followers were afraid that the ritual activities restored by Confucius would be lost, so they followed Ru Bei's practice and successively wrote them on bamboo and silk. After the chaos of the Warring States Period and the burning of books in the Qin Dynasty, only seventeen chapters were passed on to the Han Dynasty.
keywords:Confucius  Zilu  Rubei  Shi Sangli
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