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胡海峰1,田一迪2,王爱萍3 (1.北京师范大学 经济与工商管理学院北京 1008752.中国人民大学 应用经济学院北京 1008723. 北京工商大学 经济学院北京 100048) 
中文关键词:国有企业集团  内部资本市场  混合所有制改革  内部控制
Mixed-Ownership Reform and Internal Capital Market Efficiency
Abstract:Based on the data of state-owned group member enterprises from 2008 to 2021, this paper explores the impact of mixed-ownership reform on the internal capital market efficiency within business groups, as well as its underlying mechanisms. The results indicate that mixed-ownership reform significantly enhances the efficiency of the internal capital market in state-owned enterprise groups. According to the mechanism test, mixed-ownership reform improves the efficiency of the internal capital market primarily through the appointment of directors by non-state shareholders and the enhancement of internal control quality. The impact of mixed-ownership reform on internal capital market efficiency becomes more pronounced when non-state shareholders appoint directors to the companies. However, when the proportion of directors appointed by non-state shareholders is excessively high, the mixed-ownership reform fails to significantly enhance internal capital market efficiency. Further analysis shows that when the degree of group diversification is high and the degree of market competition is low, mixed-ownership reform has a greater impact on internal capital market efficiency.
keywords:state-owned business group  internal capital market  mixed-ownership reform  internal control
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