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周建军1,2,周真禅1,丁万川1 (1.湘潭大学 商学院湖南 湘潭 4111052.湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙 410079) 
中文关键词:住房压力  城市公共服务水平  青年流动人口  落户意愿
How does Housing Pressure Affect the Household Registration Settlement Intentions of Young Migrant Population?—Based On the Moderating Effect of Urban Public Service Level
Abstract:By using the data of China Migrants Dynamic Survey in 2017 to match the data from 284 cities at the prefecture level and above to explore the impact of housing pressure on the household registration settlement intentions of young migrant population and the moderating effect of urban public service level. It is found that there is an inverted U-shape between housing pressure and the household registration settlement intentions of young migrant population. The level of urban public services can relieve the negative impact of housing pressure on the household registration settlement intentions of young migrant population and further analysis shows that the geographical location of young migrants’ registered residence and the processing of residence permits can also affect the moderating effect of urban public service level to varying degrees.
keywords:housing pressure  urban public service level  young migrant population  settlement intention
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