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刘懿,康健,张丽洁 (湖南大学 经济与贸易学院湖南 长沙 410079) 
中文关键词:混合所有制改革  技术许可  产品差异化  国有企业  外资企业
A Study on Technology Licensing and Dominant Strategies in Mixed Ownership Reform
Abstract:From the perspective of horizontal product differentiation, we explore the impact of technology licensing between local state-owned enterprise (SOE) and foreign private enterprises on the privatization degree of the local SOE. The results show that when the local SOE possesses cost-reduction technology and licenses this technology to foreign private enterprises, the technology licensing increases the degree of privatization of the local SOE. Conversely, when foreign private enterprises possess cost-reduction technology and license it to the local SOE, the technology licensing by foreign enterprises reduces the degree of privatization of the local SOE. Additionally, the degree of product differentiation also affects the degree of privatization of the local SOE before and after the technology licensing. Given a sufficiently large market size, the nonlinear relationship (reversed U-shape) between the degree of privatization and horizontal product differentiation is presented.
keywords:mixed ownership reform  technology licensing  product differentiation  state-owned enterprises  foreign-owned enterprises
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