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宋剑华 (暨南大学 文学院广东 广州 510632) 
中文关键词:“文艺大众化”运动  苏区文艺  经验价值
“Popularization” and the Experience Value in the Soviet Area Literature and Art
Abstract:The “popularization of literature and art” movement, which took place in the Central Soviet Area of Jiangxi Province, is an important part of China’s modern revolutionary movement. It not only greatly enriched the amateur cultural life of the military and the people in the Soviet Area, and publicized the CPC’s ideas on the Agrarian Revolutionary War, but also provided precious experiential value for literature and art in Yan’an and the liberated areas. This experiential value is embodied in three aspects: with the literacy campaign as the forerunner, the cultural level of workers and peasants had been improved as much as possible; thereby laying a good foundation for the “popularization of literature and art” movement; with the “red mountain songs”“picture speeches” and “live newspapers” as forms of expression, revolutionary propaganda was integrated with mass entertainment, opening up an effective path for the “popularization of literature and art” movement; with the “Workers and Peasants Drama Society” as the incubator, the Soviet area cultivated its own artistic talents, improving the artistic taste of “popularization of literature and art” to some extent. In summary, the experiential value of the “popularization of literature and art” movement in the Soviet areas is to pursue the perfect unity of “entertainment” and “revolution”, and to create the early form of “people's literature and art” in the specific practice of modern Chinese revolution.
keywords:“popularization of literature and art” movement  Soviet Area literature and art  experiential value
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