引用本文:罗先海1, 袁旸2.“阅读”梁启超:少年胡适文学观的初步养成[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2024,(5):101-107
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罗先海1, 袁旸2 (1.湖南大学 中国语言文学学院湖南 长沙 4100822.湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:胡适  梁启超  文学观  读者本位
Reading Articles by Liang Qichao: The Initial Formation of Juvenile Hu Shih’s View of Literature
Abstract:Following the diaries, letters, youthful creations and memoirs of Hu Shih, we can find that Liang Qichao’s writings and articles played an important role in the process of generating juvenile Hu Shih’s view of literature. Hu Shih adhered to the “practical view of literature”, regarded literary creation as a tool for “new people”, made value judgments from the perspective of social indoctrination, and aspired to follow Liang Qichao’s example of influencing people’s hearts through words; in order to achieve the effect of opening people’s minds, Hu Shih followed Liang Qichao’s example, guiding readers to follow his thoughts, and actively implementing the “reader-oriented consciousness” in his creation, so as to maximize the social effect of his articles; relying on the formation of a specific collective reading mechanism at that time, Liang Qichao’s articles and his thoughts also contributed to the development of Hu Shih’s “juvenile temperament” ,which helped him to open new academic horizons.
keywords:Hu Shih  Liang Qichao  view of Literature  reader-oriented
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