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许家星 (北京师范大学 价值与文化研究中心 北京 100875) 
中文关键词:白鹿洞书院  朱熹  周程道学
Zhu Xi’s Reconstruction of Bailudong Academy and the Revival of Neo-Confucianism
Abstract:The reconstruction of Bailudong Academy is a concrete practice and unfoldment of Zhu Xi’s Neo-Confucianism. Zhu Xi made use of official power to promote Zhou & Cheng Brother’s Neo-Confucianism and established a base for Neo-Confucianism through the reconstruction, which has profound significance for the development of Neo-Confucianism in the future.Zhu Xi approved of Zhou and Cheng Brother’s Neo-Confucianism , and launched a critique of Buddhism and Taoism, as well as the school of Wang Anshi and Su Dongpo, in order to reverse the disadvantaged position of Neo-Confucianism.For the revival of the Bailudong Academy, Zhu Xi took various ways such as requesting the support of the imperial court, printing the texts of Neo-Confucianism, writing poetry and articles, conducting lectures, and determining academy rules. Zhu Xi tried his best to establish Zhou Dunyi’s position as the original master of Neo-Confucianism, which was invisibly helpful to establish the status of the Bailudong Academy as a holy place of Neo-Confucianism.
keywords:Bailudong Academy  Zhu Xi  Zhou and Cheng Brother’s Neo-Confucianism
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