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赖早兴,孙沁怡 (湘潭大学 法学院湖南 湘潭 411105) 
中文关键词:数据安全  企业合规  引导与激励  行刑衔接
On the Coordination Between Administrative and Criminal Law in Corporate Data Security Compliance
Abstract:Corporate data security compliance includes both administrative compliance and criminal compliance, and both involve the issues of coordination between administrative and criminal enforcement. In the administrative compliance of corporate data security, it is necessary to achieve the coordination between administrative and criminal enforcement from both substantive and procedural perspectives. This involves highlighting the leading role of data administrative authorities while also utilizing the supervisory roles of public security and procuratorial authorities. This approach aims to prevent substituting administrative penalties for criminal penalties and to alleviate concerns about administrative personnel failing to transfer criminal cases due to personal interests during compliance processes.For the criminal compliance of corporate data security, it is essential to establish a coordination system within a systematic legal framework for corporate criminal compliance. It includes emphasizing the leading role of data administrative authorities in the construction of corporate data security compliance and paying attention to the coordination between administrative and criminal enforcement in the event of failures in the construction of corporate data security criminal compliance.
keywords:data security  corporate compliance  guidance and incentives  coordination between administrative and criminal law
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